
Helping you find the newest member of your family.
Click browse pets to get started, or, even better, download the app.

How it works

How it works


Download the app, or click Browse pets in the top right-hand corner.


Take the pet quiz, this will help us to make sure we show you the right pets for you. It’s designed to take no more than 30 seconds.


Browse through the pets until you find the right one for you, swipe right for yes and left for no.


Apply for a pet using our online adoption form. You can edit your answers at the end, and save your Adoption Form in case you want to apply for another pet in the future 

Examples of how the Only Rescues app works including example pet profiles and favourites list

finding forever homes for cats and dogs

A sad looking mixed breed rescue puppy behind the fence of a rescue shelter

finding forever homes for cats and dogs

Only Rescues aims to be the best pet adoption site in the UK.

Our vision is for every dog and cat to have a safe, loving, forever home with sustainable, responsible adoption the preferred option for pet owners.

Our mission is to provide a central platform that ethically matches adopters with rescue dogs and cats.

A helping hand in starting the journey to meeting the newest member of the family.  

Reasons to adopt

  1. You’re saving a life. Previously, the dogs and cats on Only Rescues may have been abused, abandoned, or had to fend for themselves on the streets. By adopting, you are giving your pet a safe and loving home where it can learn to be happy and healthy again.
  2. You won’t be supporting unethical breeders. Some breeders follow the law, many don’t. Countless pets are forced to breed as often as possible and kept under cruel conditions in puppy farms. It’s hard to be 100% confident that your pet has come from an ethical breeder. By adopting, you’re avoiding unethical breeders and supporting animal welfare too. With thousands of pets in shelters, why breed new ones until these have homes?
  3. You gain the advantages of an adult pet. You’re likely to know more about its character and behaviour. Your pet is also likely to already know some basic commands or be housetrained, making your life easier when you bring your pet home. Your pet will be neutered, and health checked. That’s not to say there aren’t puppies and kittens in shelters, and purebreds too.
  4. You get the lifetime support of the shelter. No one knows more about the pet you are adopting than the people working at the shelter each day, providing care and support for them. They will be able to assist you with the move and help you carry on any training or behaviour work.
  5. Supporting charities and rehoming centres. These shelters are providing a valuable service to the animals in their care, so by adopting one, you’re also contributing to the ongoing care of the animals left at the shelter.
A brown and white rescue dog licking his lips on a purple background
A rescue tabby cat on an orange background
A black and white rescue Staffordshire Bull Terrier on a green background
A ginger rescue cat on a pink background
A rescue corgi dog and a rescue ginger cat relaxing on their backs on a bed

Once you’ve adopted

First time pawrents? Check out our advice on how to prepare for bringing home your new rescue dog or cat.